vineri, 27 noiembrie 2009

Selfadvices / Autosfaturi

I was looking tonight over some of my writings and I found something that I like very much:

„Time heals wounds, but the scars remain and sometimes, when we face „bad weather”, they hurt. Time has his limits.”

There are many poems written by me, even prose, which make me feel in a certain way when I read them and not because they are mine or they are very good, but because they remind me of myself in that period. It’s like I can see myself then, when I had those feelings that made me lay everything on paper. I feel a stranger to some of them, probably because I’ve changed, but I can find myself in others. I don’t consider myself as being a poet or a writer. When I write I do it only because I feel like it, to free myself from my many thoughts. And sometimes I surprise myself because I am giving to me answers, encouragement and advices trough my writings.
But I better leave all the talking to my lines:

“Nothing it’s easy in this life. A lot of effort, a lot of waiting, pain and suffering are needed. We have to give everything, everything we got and everything we are for one cause, for what we want the most, for a dream without which we could not go forward.”

“I am a fighter. I’m not afraid of anything…”

“I’ve chosen. I will remain innocent. I will be a child hidden in a mask. And you will be deceived, because I will see the CHILD and you will see the MASK.”

“My instincts are making me see the truth. It’s like seeing another dimension of the world in front of my eyes and every person it’s wearing his truth print.”

“My body is an obstacle in the path of knowledge.”

“The silence of the night it’s letting reason to search very deep…”

There would be more but I prefer to leave them on some other time. I will post in the future my favorite poem called “Indrumari” (Guidance) that has many advices. And I saved the best for last:

“Get up and move on…
Broken wings can be fixed with glue.
Broken hearts can be stitched back into one piece.”


Ma uitam in seara asta peste cateva din scrierile mele si am gasit ceva ce imi place foarte mult:

„Timpul vindeca ranile, dar cicatricile raman si uneori, cand mai trecem prin perioade cu “vreme rea”, ele ne dor. Are si timpul limitele lui.”

Sunt o multime de poezii scrise de mine, chiar si proza, care ma fac sa ma simt intr-un fel anume atunci cand le citesc si nu pentru ca sunt ale mele, nici pentru ca ar fi ele foarte reusite ci pentru ca imi amintesc de mine in perioada aceea. E ca si cum as putea sa ma vad pe mine atunci cand am trait sentimentele acelea care m-au facut pana la urma sa astern totul pe hartie. Ma simt oarecum straina de unele din ele, probabil pentru ca m-am schimbat, dar in altele ma regasesc. Nu ma consider o poeta sau o scriitoare. Cand scriu o fac numai pentru ca asa simt, ca sa ma eliberez de prea multe ganduri. Si uneori ma uimesc pe mine insami deoarece imi ofer prin scrierile mele raspunsuri, incurajari, sfaturi.
Dar mai bine las randurile sa vorbeasca pentru mine:

"Nimic nu e usor in viata asta. E nevoie de mult efort, de o lunga asteptare, de durere, de suferinta. E nevoie sa dam totul, tot ce avem si ce suntem pentru o cauza, pentru ceea ce ne dorim cel mai mult, pentru un vis fara de care nu am putea sa mergem inainte."

"Sunt o luptatoare, nu ma tem de nimic..."

"Eu am ales. Am sa raman inocenta. O sa fiu un copil ascuns intr-o masca. Si veti fi inselati, deoarece eu o sa vad COPILUL, iar voi veti vedea MASCA."

"Instinctul ma face sa vad adevarul. E ca si cum as vedea o alta dimensiune a lumii pe care o am in fata si fiecare persoana poarta amprenta adevarului sau."

"Trupul meu este o piedica in calea cunoasterii."

"Tacerea noptii lasa ratiunea sa caute foarte adanc..."

Si ar mai fi si altele, dar prefer sa le las pe alta data. Intr-un post viitor voi pune poezia mea preferata „Indrumari”, care contine si mai multe sfaturi. Iar pentru sfarsit am pastrat altceva ce imi place foarte mult:

"Ridica-te si mergi mai departe...
Aripile frante pot fi fixate la loc cu lipici.
Inimile frante pot fi cusute inapoi intr-o bucata."

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