Caut in mine rabdarea, intelepciunea si echilibrul. I am searching inside me for patience, wisdom and equilibrium.
marți, 3 noiembrie 2009
Run / Fugi
Leona Lewis - Run
Sometimes it's hard to say sorry. Sometimes it's hard to find the right words to express what you feel. Sometimes all it takes is to let time flow.
I feel weird right now, like i'm watching my life go on without me. All is happening to fast and I don't have enough time to react, to control it. I'm tired.
It's almost 4 in the morning and, instead of sleeping, I would step outside for a run and I wouldn't stop until I would feel like my heart is exploding in my chest and there is not enough air to breath. I feel lost, from myself, from you, from what I used to know and I liked, from what I used to feel. I'm alone, I feel alone, although there was a time when I wasn't feeling like this. I got lost along the way and I'm afraid I lost you also.
To many things are on my mind now and I can't feel at peace with no one, not even with myself. And I'm lost and afraid, and alone, and I got so tired and all i need now is to run, run for my life, run and cry.
Uneori e greu sa spui "imi pare rau". Uneori e greu sa gasesti cuvintele potrivite care sa exprime ceea ce simti. Uneori e nevoie doar sa lasi timpul sa treaca.
Ma simt ciudat acum, de parca as fi spectatoare la viata mea. Totul se intampla prea repede iar eu nu am timp sa reactionez, sa controlez ceva. Am obosit.
E aproape 4 dimineata iar eu, in loc sa dorm, as iesi afara sa alerg si nu m-as mai opri pana nu as simti ca-mi explodeaza inima in piept si ca nu mai am aer sa respir. Ma simt pierduta, de mine, de tine, de ceea ce stiam si imi placea, de ceea ce simteam candva. Sunt singura, ma simt singura, desi a fost o vreme cand nu ma simteam astfel. M-am pierdut undeva pe drum si ma tem ca te-am pierdut si pe tine.
Ma gandesc la prea multe lucruri acum si nu ma simt impacata cu nimeni, nici macar cu mine insami. Si sunt pierduta si mi-e teama, sunt singura si sunt atat de obosita si tot ceea ce imi trebuie acum este sa fug, sa fug pentru viata mea, sa fug si sa plang.
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