Razboiul de Intregire Nationala a facut ca la Marasesti sa piara peste 21 de mii de romani. Tot ceea ce ne mai aminteste de glorioasa lupta din vara anului 1917 este Mausoleul de la Marasesti, ridicat chiar pe locul unde s-au dat luptele. 18 culoare dispuse radial, 154 de cripte individuale, 9 cripte comune, o bisericuta asezata chiar in centrul constructiei si inscriptia UN OSTAS ROMAN raman cu mine dupa ce am vizitat ieri acest somptuos monument.
Cinste lor, celor care s-au jertfit pentru aceasta tara minunata, pentru acest pamant care ne-a ocrotit inca de pe vremea cand purta numele Dacia. Dumnezeu sa-i ierte!
Marasesti, Marasti, Oituz... No. This time only Marasesti.
The War of National Union made it possible for 21 thousands of Romanians to perish at Marasesti. The Marasesti Mausoleum, built right on the spot where the fight took place, reminds us of the glorious fights from the summer of 1917. What stays with me after visiting this magnificent monument are the 18 halls arranged in a circle, the 154 individual crypts, the 9 commune crypts, the church placed right in the middle of the building and the inscriptions A ROMANIAN SOLDIER.
Let's honor those who sacrificed themselves for this wonderful country, for this land that protected us ever since it was called Dacia. May God forgive them!
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