Am scris versurile urmatoare acum cativa ani. Poate ca atunci eram doar un copil sau poate ca atunci am gandit cu adevarat ca un adult. Acum o recitesc si imi dau seama ca sunt pierduta, ca nu stiu ce vreau de la viata asta, ca sunt dezamagita de mine si de oamenii si lucrurile care ma inconjoara.
I wrote the next lyrics several years ago. Maybe I was just a kid then, or maybe then I really thought as an adult. Now I read them again and I realize that I am lost, I don’t know what I want from this life, I've disappointed myself and the people and things that surround me have disappointed me also.
Desertaciune (Emptiness)
Ma intreb adeseori daca... (I often wonder if ... )
Exista Dumnezeu (There is God)
Sau exista iubirea? (Or there is love?)
Exista aceasta lume (Is there this world)
Sau ne inseala privirea? (Or we are seeing wrong?)
Ne ascundem de adevar (We hide from the truth)
Cu ochii plecati. (With eyes looking down.)
Credem in vorbe, (We believe in words,)
Traim impacati. (We live at peace.)
Gandul la noi (Thinking about us)
Acopera gandul (Covers the thought)
Ca multi asupriti (That the oppressed)
Ne cer doar cuvantul. (Are asking only for our word.)
Un bine infim (A small good)
Uitam a-l face (We forget to do)
Dar cerem pamantul (But we want the world)
In comori sa-l prefacem. (To transform it in treasures)
Ne nastem cu drepturi (We are born with rights)
Dar lipsiti de dreptate. (But deprived of justice.)
Invatam sa-nselam, (We learn to cheat,)
Cum sa castigam in toate. (How to win in all.)
In aceeasi iluzie (In the same illusion)
Mii de masti se-ntalnesc. (Thousands of masks meet.)
Se mai naste o viata (Another life is born)
Pe care altii o pedepsesc. (Which others punish.)
La aceleasi concepte (To the same concepts)
Si aceleasi idei – (And the same ideas -)
Aceleasi atitudini (The same attitudes)
Fara sa vrei. (Without you wanting it.)
Vorbe fara esenta, (Words without essence,)
Oameni prea mici, (Too small people,)
Suflete de gheata – (Souls of ice -)
O creatie Kitch. (A Kitch creation.)
Ne rugam la Soare, (We pray to the Sun,)
Ne-nchinam la zei, (We dedicate ourselves to gods,)
Le-aducem ofrande (We bring them offerings)
Apoi ne lepadam de ei. (Then we forsake them.)
Ne juram cainta. (We swear we repent.)
Cersim mila tuturor. (We beg everybody's mercy.)
Ingenunchem in iertare (We knee in forgiveness)
Pentru rani care dor. (For wounds that hurt.)
Mintim, inselam, (We lie, we cheat,)
Omoram din placere (We passionately kill)
Tradam din vointa (We betray of our will)
Dar apoi... tacere. (But then... silence.)
Caci nu exista pedepse (Because there is no punishment)
Pentru cei vinovati (For the guilty ones)
Cand creste durerea (When the pain is intensifying)
A ai nostrilor frati. (Of our brothers.)
Ne pierdem onoarea, (We lose our honor,)
Demnitatea la fel. (Dignity too.)
Ne nastem spre pieire, (We are born for dying,)
Ducem trai fara tel. (We live a life without purpose.)
Ne falim cu creatii, (We take pride in our creations,)
Descoperiri noi, (New discoveries,)
Dar cate din ele (But how many of them)
Nu ne fac rau? (Do not hurt us?)
Caut in mine. Neant. Haos. Gol. (I'm searching inside me. Nothingness. Chaos. Emptyness.)
Unde-i sufletul meu? (Where is my soul?)
Nu mai cred in iubire! (I stopped believing in love!)
Nu am Dumnezeu! (I don't have a God!)