luni, 22 iunie 2009

Cine suntem? / Who are we?

Am considerat totdeauna ca oamenii trebuie sa dovedeasca ca sunt oameni, adica sa adopte un comportament adecvat, care sa-i deosebeasca de celelalte vietuitoare. Multi dintre noi, insa, tin mortis sa ne arate, in repetate randuri, ca ei au fost, sunt si vor fi doar animale (sau mai rau - bestii), nu oameni, nu umani.
Ce inseamna sa fii uman? Pentru mine inseamna sa gandesti, apoi sa actionezi in consecinta, inseamna sa respecti libertatea celuilalt, sa arati generozitate, compasiune, emotie fata de cel de langa tine.
Ce inseamna sa fii om? Eu zic ca inseamna sa ai caracter, personalitate, principii sanatoase si morala.
Realizez, insa, ca vorbesc aici despre o specie pe cale de disparitie.

Concluzia nr. 1: "Salvati umanitatea (sau ce a mai ramas din ea)!"
Concluzia nr. 2: "Nu se mai fac oameni cum se faceau odata!"


I always considered that people must prove they are human, that they have to adopt an appropriate behavior, to differentiate them from all the other creatures. But many of us keep showing, repeatedly, that they were, are and will always be only animals (or worse - beasts), not people, not human.
What it means to be human? For me it means to think, and then act accordingly, it means you have to respect other's freedom, to show generosity, compassion, emotion for the one next to you.
What it means to be human? I say it means to have character, personality, healthy principles and moral.
I realize, though, that I’m talking here about an endangered species.

Conclusion no. 1: "Save humanity (or what was left of it)!"
Conclusion no. 2: "They no longer make people like they used to!"

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