M-am urcat cu ai mei in masina si am plecat spre un loc pe care nu il vazusem niciodata, dar despre care auzisem o multime de lucruri interesante: orasul Slanic, judetul Prahova. Ce poti vedea acolo: salina, muzeul de sare, Lacul sarat Baia Baciului si Lacul Miresei (ceea ce a ramas dupa surparea muntelui de sare ce forma Grota Miresei) si, bineinteles, peisajul.
Me and my folks got up in the car and went to visit a place that I had never seen, but heard about many interesting things: Slanic town, Prahova County. What you can see there: the salt mine, the salt museum, the Baia Baciului salted Lake and the Bride’s Lake (which remained after the crumbling of the salt mountain that used to form the Bride’s Cave) and, of course, the landscape.

In mina este o temperatura constanta de 13 grade Celsius, presiunea atmosferica este de 730 mm col. Hg., peretii au o inaltime de 54 metri, pana la suprafata fiind o distanta de 208 metri pe care o parcurgi cu liftul in 90 de secunde. Lucrarile miniere au inceput in anul 1938, dar exploatarea s-a facut intre anii 1943 - 1970. Mina este folosita acum doar in scopuri turistice. Spatiul excavat este impartit in 14 camere si ocupa acum 2,9 milioane metri cubi si se intinde pe o suprafata de 7,8 hectare. Putem vedea acolo sculpturi in sare, o Sala a Genezei, o expozitie de chihlimbar si o zona de joaca cu leagane si teren de fotbal.
There is a constant temperature of 13 Celsius degrees in the mine and an atmospheric pressure of 730 mm col. Hg. The walls have a height of 54 metres and there is a distance of 208 metres until the surface that can be travelled by elevator in 90 seconds. Mining works began in 1938, but the operation was done between 1943 - 1970. Mine is now used only for touristic purposes. The excavated space is devided in 14 rooms and now holds 2.9 million cubic metres and it streches on an area of 7.8 hectares. We can see there some sculptures in salt, a Genesis Room, an expo of amber and a playground with swings and a soccer field.

Apoi am trecut pe la Baia Baciului ca sa vedem lacul si ce a mai ramas din Grota Miresei.
Then we went to Baia Baciului to see the lake and what's left of The Bride's Cave.
Iata cum arata Grota Miresei inainte de a se surpa peretele de sare.
This is how The Bride's Cave looked before the crumbling of the salt wall.

Si iata cum arata acum.
And this is how it looks now.

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