Mai merita sa mergi la Circ in ziua de azi? Eu zic ca da, chiar daca avem parte de circ oriunde: la magazin, in parc, in autobuz, la stiri. Cel putin la Circul asta a meritat. Pretul a fost bun, spectacolul de calitate, numerele prezentate erau diferite de tot ceea ce am vazut pana acum, animalele sunt foarte bine ingrijite, hranite, iar in aer nu plutea nici un miros care sa-mi raneasca simtul olfactiv. Si cu acesta ocazie am vizitat si in spatele scenei, adica custile animalelor. Nici acum nu-mi vine sa cred ca am vazut elefanti. Erau atat de mari, imensi si foarte frumosi, naturali si sociabili, nu se temeau de public sau zgomot. Am mai vazut si girafe, tigri, un rinocer, lame, struti si cai, o experienta deosebita. Parinti, duce-ti-va copii la circ!
Is it worth today to go see the Circus? I say yes, even if we are surrounded by circus wherever we are: at the shop, in the park, in the bus, on the news. At least at this Circus was worth it. The price was good, a quality show, the numbers presented were different from what I saw before, the animals are well cared, fed and there is no bad smell floating in the air that would hurt my olfactory sense. And this time I visited behind the scenes too, meaning the animals cages. Even now I can’t believe that I saw elephants. They were so big, huge and very beautiful, natural and social, not fearing the public or the noise. I saw giraffes, tigers, a rhinoceros, llamas, ostriches and horses, a great experience. Parents, get your children to see the circus!
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