luni, 15 iunie 2009

Desertaciune I / Emptiness I

This is the world in which we live.
A realistic video, a piece of life; lyrics that came from the soul: VAMA - God does not appear on the news.

God does not appear on the news
God does not kill dolphins
God does not melt glaciers
God hasn’t voteed in the Senate
God has no nuclear dream
God has not fought in Iraq
Too busy destroying the world people are
No one bothers about God here on Earth

Ref: God has left us...
He let us to do whatever we want

They made Jesus a Superstar
They have printed God on the U.S. dollars
Religion is war marketing
People make their cross but with an empty look

Ref: God has left us...
He let us to do whatever we want
Without faith the human ship is lost in space; the storm is approaching,
The world is darkening
Everything is for sale, everything can be bought; money are the way, the truth and the life
Jesus is not coming ....
God is looking once again at the world
There is no one to see that
He is lending us a hand
There is no one there to hear the love whisper
He still says to us?

Ref: God has left us...
He let us to do whatever we want
God has watched...
He doesn’t understand wher he did wrong
God has watched...
He watched...


Aceasta este lumea in care traim.
Videoclip realist, rupt din viata; versuri de suflet cu care rezonez: Vama - Dumnezeu nu apare la stiri.

Dumnezeu nu apare la Stiri
Dumnezeu nu omoara Delfini
Dumnezeu n-are Vis Nuclear
Dumnezeu nu topeste Ghetari
Dumnezeu n-a votat in Senat
Dumnezeu n-a luptat in Irak
Prea ocupati cu distrugerea lumii oamenii sunt
Pe Dumnezeu nu-l ia nimeni in seama aici pe Pamant.

Ref:Dumnezeu ne-a lasat...
Ne-a lasat sa ne facem de cap

Pe Iisus l-au facut Superstar
Pe Dumnezeu l-au tiparit pe dolar
Religia e marketing de razboi
Oamenii-si fac cruce dar privesc in gol

Ref:Dumnezeu ne-a lasat...
Ne-a lasat sa ne facem de cap

Fara Credinta corabia Umana rataceste prin spatiu se apropie furtuna,
Se-ntuneca lumea
Totul se vinde se cumpara totul banii sunt calea adevarul si viata Isus nu mai vine....
Dumnezeu se mai uita o data spre lume
Nu e nimeni sa vada ca-ntinde o mana
Nu e nimeni s-auda ca soapta iubirii El inca ne-o spune?

Ref: Dumnezeu ne-a lasat...
Ne-a lasat sa ne facem de cap
Dumnezeu a privit...
Nu-ntelege unde a gresit
Dumnezeu a privit...
A privit...

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