marți, 12 mai 2009

Vulcanii Noroiosi / The Muddy Volcanoes

De cand ma stiu mi-am dorit sa vad acest loc si imi imaginam un munte imens de unde curge noroiul in valuri. Nu a fost sa fie asa. Din Vulcanii Noroiosi nu au mai ramas decat cateva "ochiuri" prin care muntii "respira" la intervale de cateva secunde. Dar nu-i nimic, eu m-am bucurat oricum de peisaj si de faptul ca acest loc este unic in Romania, dar si in Europa.

I've wanted all my life to see this place and I was imagining a huge mountain where mud flows wave after wave. It was nothing like that. There's almost nothing left of The Muddy Volcanoes, just some holes trough where the mountains "breaths" at intervals of several seconds. But its fine, I enjoyed the view and knowing that this place is unique in Romania, and in Europe too.

Vederi din rai / Postcards from heaven

Am gasit un loc deosebit, care m-a lasat cu gura deschisa: Campina, La fantana cu ciresi. Peisajul e cu totul special, mai ales acum ca a venit vara iar natura s-a "inverzit" de tot. Cand sunt trista ma gandesc la acest loc si parca imi mai revine cheful de viata. Ce mici suntem noi si ce mare e lumea asta!


I found this special place that left me with my mouth open: Campina, At the spring with cherry trees. The scenery is overwhelming, especially now because summer is here and nature got so green. When I am sad I think of this place and I feel a burst of life coming back to me. How little we are and how big this world really is!

joi, 7 mai 2009

Versuri / Lyrics

O any thing, of nothing first create!
O heavy lightness! serious vanity!
Mis-shapen chaos of well-seeming forms!
Feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire,
sick health!
Still-waking sleep, that is not what it is!
This love feel I, that feel no love in this.
Dost thou not laugh?


Dintr-o nimica toata la inceput!
Desertaciune grea, voioasa jale!
Haos diform de forme ideale!
Avant de plumb! Lumina, fum,
foc, gheata!
Bolnav, dar teafar!
Somn de-a pururi treaz!
Esti si nu esti: acesta e amorul!
Pe care eu l-urasc,
Desi-i duc dorul!

Romeo, SCENE I, Romeo & Juliet by William Shakespeare
Suna mai bine in romana decat in engleza.


Sounds better in romanian than in english.

Arta fotografica / Photographic art

YAN McLINE - Cele mai frumoase nuduri pe care le-am vazut.
Best nude pics I ever saw.

marți, 5 mai 2009

Barajul Paltinu / Paltinu Dam

Ne tot batea gandul, pe mine si niste prieteni, sa mai iesim si noi la o plimbare prin judet, asa ca ne-am gandit sa dam o fuga pana la Paltinu sa vedem si noi cum e pe acolo. Si nu, nu am fost la un gratar, asa cum ii e obiceiul romanului de rand, ci doar in excursie.

E frumoasa zona, pacat insa ca nu ai voie sa te si plimbi pe baraj. Ce sa vezi: portile inchise cu un mare semn "Interzisa trecerea" pe ele! Eh! Mi-am pus pofta in cui si m-am multumit cu peisajul vazut "de pe margine". Insa si mai interesant a fost sa vad lacul de acumulare. Dar nu intinderea aceea nesfarsita de apa mi-a starnit mie dorinta de a va povesti aici despre barajul Paltinu, ci intinderea aceea nesfarsita de gunoaie care pluteau la malul lacului. Si, pentru cei care nu stiu, va informez ca din acest lac se alimenteaza orasul Ploiesti cu apa potabila. Acum se intelege de ce apa noastra de la robinet miroase si are un gust iritant de clor.

Concluzii: 1. e absolut necesar sa trecem la apa imbuteliata 2. daca am arunca cat mai putine gunoaie in natura ar fi ideal, doar pentru asta s-au inventat cosurile de gunoi, nu? 3. desi e bine cunoscut faptul ca sunt gunoaie peste tot, nu e nimeni platit sa le si stranga 4. pana la urma romanul face tot ce stie el: gratar in locuri neamenajate si gunoiul aruncat in padure (ca doar serveste ca ingrasamant natural, nu?)

Pacat de tara asta frumoasa!


Some friends and I were thinking to get out on a walk in our county, so we thought we should go to Paltinu to see how are things there. And no, we were not out on a barbecue, the new national custom of Romanians, only on a trip.

It’s a beautiful area, pity that one can’t walk on the damn. What was there to see: closed gates with a big sign “no trespassing” on. So I forgot about it and I contented in watching the scenery “from aside”. But even more interesting was to see the barrier lake. However, not the endless water spread roused in me the wish to tell you about the Paltinu dam, but the endless garbage spread floating at the shore. And, for those that don’t know, I’m telling you that this lake is supplying Ploiesti city with drinkable water. Now we can understand why our running water smells and tastes irritating of chlorine.

Conclusions: 1. it’s imperative that we start drinking only bottled water 2. ideal would be for us to drop less garbage in the nature, they invented the garbage cans for this, no? 3. although it is well known that there is garbage everywhere around, there is no one paid to gather it 4. in the end the Romanian does what he knows best: barbecue in unfit places and throwing garbage in the woods (because it’s natural fertilizer, isn’t it?).

Pity of this beautiful country!

luni, 4 mai 2009

Excursie la Brebu, Judetul Prahova / Trip to Brebu, Prahova County

Nu prea am avut ocazia, pana acum, sa ma plimb prin judetul meu si am descoperit de curand cateva locuri care merita.

Am fost in comuna Brebu: undeva ascunsa printre dealuri, zona rurala unde casele sunt in stil romanesc vechi, unde incep acum sa rasara vilutele transformate peste noapte in pensiuni turistice, unde soselele mai sunt, inca, pavate cu piatra, unde lumea se strange Duminica dimineata la biserica, asa cum rar mi-a fost dat sa mai vad si prin urbea noastra.

Ce am vazut acolo? Biserica Domneasca Matei Basarab si Casa Domneasca Matei Basarab, ingradite de un vechi zid, acum aflat in paragina. In Casa Domneasca functioneaza acum un muzeu, parte a Muzeului de Istorie Ploiesti, cat de cat ingrijit. Cand am fost eu acolo se lucra la un sistem pentru a mentine temperatura si umiditatea constante in muzeu. Sa nu va asteptati la cine-stie-ce pentru ca veti fi dezamagiti. Investitii in restaurare nu s-a facut pe aici, asa ca totul pare in ruina, zidurile sunt sparte, faramate pana la caramida. Dar locul asta are frumusetea lui, e drept: una bruta, necizelata. In mijlocul curtii se afla biserica. Exista o portita care duce din curte in spatele casei si poti ajunge la lac. Nu e o atractie deosebita, dar merita.

Oricum, la ce sa ma fi asteptat de la acest punct turistic? Doar suntem in Romania, am invatat sa nu cer foarte multe de la aceasta tara si nici de la locuitorii ei.

Apropo, comuna Brebu are site, pentru cei interesati:

I didn’t have the opportunity, until now, to travel in my county and I just discovered some places that are worth seeing.

I went to Brebu village: somewhere hidden between the hills, a rural area where the hoses are made in old Romanian rustic style, where mansions are starting to appear now, transformed over night in boarding houses, where the streets are still stone paved, where people get together Sunday morning at church, like I rarely see in our city.

What I saw there? The Matei Basarab Church and House, surrounded by an old wall, now neglected. There’s a museum in the House, part of the Ploiesti History Museum, somehow attended. When I was there they where working on a system to maintain constant temperature and humidity in the museum. Do not expect great things here because you will be disappointed. Everything looks like in ruin because they never invested here in restoration; the walls are broken, crumbled to the brick. But this place has his beauty, true: a savage, ragged one. In the middle of the yard stands the Church. There is a gate that leads outside the walls, behind the House and one can get at the lake. It’s not a very pretty place, but it’s worth a visit.

Anyway, what should have I expected from this touristic attraction? We are in Romania after all, and I’ve learned not to demand so many things from this country and his inhabitants.

By the way, Brebu village has a site, for those who are interested: