luni, 21 septembrie 2009

Frumoasa si Bestia / Beauty and the Beast

Toata lumea il stie pe Walt Disney, nu? Si toti cunoastem povestea asta cu Belle si Bestia.
Ea - frumoasa, visatoare, culta, gingasa, echilibrata, saraca. El - urat, rece, puternic, temperamental, arogant, bogat. Doua lumi total diferite, dar care se atrag. Oare noi nu suntem la fel? Noi, in relatiile noastre nu ne purtam la fel ca ei, Belle si Bestia?
In oricare relatie unul din parteneri este mai puternic decat celalalt, mai fragil, mai supus sau mai calm. Ne asumam un rol de la inceput sau n-il descoperim pe parcurs, cand incepem sa ne cunoastem cu adevarat, atat intre noi cat si pe noi insine. Cine spune ca stie totul despre el insusi nu stie de fapt nimic, cine spune ca el nu se va schimba niciodata este cel mai mare mincinos. O relatie te schimba, in bine sau in rau, te transforma, te provoaca, te domina. E alegerea ta cine vei fi dupa o zi, dupa o luna, dupa un an... mai puternic sau mai slab, sclav sau stapan sau undeva la mijloc, pastrand echilibrul.
Asa ca intreaba-te cine ai fost, cine esti si cine vei deveni. Iti place persoana aceea din viitorul tau? Atunci mergi mai departe in relatia asta. Daca nu iti place atunci schimba-te, spunei celuilalt adio si cauta ceva mai bun pentru tine. Stiu oameni care au avut curaj sa faca pasul asta si acum sunt in sfarsit fericiti. Intotdeauna se poate si mai bine.
Dar atunci cand iubesti prea mult si crezi in dragostea voastra e greu sa renunti la ce ai, chiar daca uneori nu ai nimic decat manunchiul asta de sentimente: iubire amestecata cu ura, speranta cu neincredere, implinire cu suferinta. Si acesta este genul de relatie in care cei doi au foarte clar definite rolurile: unul va fi Frumoasa in timp ce celalalt va fi Bestia. Unul isi va dori sa fie iubit iar celalalt isi va dori sa daruiasca iubire, unul va domina iar celalalt se va lasa ingenuncheat, unul va fi crud iar celalalt milostiv. Dar la final exista echilibru: amandoi castiga pentru ca relatia asta ii transforma. Cel puternic invata sa se lase stapanit, cucerit, in timp ce acela fragil invata gustul puterii si intelege ca oamenii, prin natura lor, pot fi atat buni, cat si rai, iar acea malitiozitate, de cele mai multe ori nu e decat o masca care ascunde un suflet sensibil, foarte usor de ranit.

Dar poate ca Frumoasa intelesese rolul ei din prima clipa cand a privit Bestia in ochi.


Everybody knows Walt Disney, isn’t so? And we all know this story about Belle and the Beast.
She – beautiful, dreamy, literate, delicate, balanced, poor. He – ugly, cold, strong, short tempered, prideful, rich. Two totally different worlds, but who are attracted to each other. Aren’t we the same? In our relationships don’t we act just like them, like Belle and the Beast?
One of the partners is always stronger, more fragile, and more submissive or more calm then the other, in every relation. We are assuming a role-play from the beginning or we are discovering it on the way, when we begin to really know each other or thyself. Who says that he knows everything there is about him actually doesn’t know a thing, who says he will never change is the greatest liar. A relationship changes who you are for the better or for the worst, it transforms you, provokes you, and dominates you. It’s your choice who you’re going to be after one day, one month or one year… stronger or weaker, slave or master or somewhere in between, keeping the balance.
So ask yourself who were you, who are you and who you will became. Do you like that person from your future? Then go on in this relationship. If you don’t like it then change yourself, say goodbye to the other one and search better for you. I know people who had enough courage to make this step and now they are finally happy. You can always do better.
But when you love too much and you believe in your love it’s hard to give up on what you have, even if sometimes all you have is a bunch of these feelings: love mixed with hate, hope with disbelief, accomplished with hurt. And this is that kind of relation where both are playing these roles: one will be Beauty while the other one will be Beast. One will wish to be loved while the other will want to give love, one will dominate and the other one will let himself knelt, one will be cruel and the other one merciful. But in the end there is balance: they both win because this relationship transforms them. The strong one learns to let himself mastered, conquered, while the fragile one learns the taste of power and understands that people, by their nature, can be good and bad, and this malice, most of the times is only a mask that hides a very sensible, easy to hurt soul.

But maybe Beauty understood her role from the first moment she looked into the Beasts eyes.

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