Am fost in comuna Brebu: undeva ascunsa printre dealuri, zona rurala unde casele sunt in stil romanesc vechi, unde incep acum sa rasara vilutele transformate peste noapte in pensiuni turistice, unde soselele mai sunt, inca, pavate cu piatra, unde lumea se strange Duminica dimineata la biserica, asa cum rar mi-a fost dat sa mai vad si prin urbea noastra.
Oricum, la ce sa ma fi asteptat de la acest punct turistic? Doar suntem in Romania, am invatat sa nu cer foarte multe de la aceasta tara si nici de la locuitorii ei.
Apropo, comuna Brebu are site, pentru cei interesati:
I went to Brebu village: somewhere hidden between the hills, a rural area where the hoses are made in old Romanian rustic style, where mansions are starting to appear now, transformed over night in boarding houses, where the streets are still stone paved, where people get together Sunday morning at church, like I rarely see in our city.
What I saw there? The Matei Basarab Church and House, surrounded by an old wall, now neglected. There’s a museum in the House, part of the Ploiesti History Museum, somehow attended. When I was there they where working on a system to maintain constant temperature and humidity in the museum. Do not expect great things here because you will be disappointed. Everything looks like in ruin because they never invested here in restoration; the walls are broken, crumbled to the brick. But this place has his beauty, true: a savage, ragged one. In the middle of the yard stands the Church. There is a gate that leads outside the walls, behind the House and one can get at the lake. It’s not a very pretty place, but it’s worth a visit.
Anyway, what should have I expected from this touristic attraction? We are in Romania after all, and I’ve learned not to demand so many things from this country and his inhabitants.
By the way, Brebu village has a site, for those who are interested:
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