E frumoasa zona, pacat insa ca nu ai voie sa te si plimbi pe baraj. Ce sa vezi: portile inchise cu un mare semn "Interzisa trecerea" pe ele! Eh! Mi-am pus pofta in cui si m-am multumit cu peisajul vazut "de pe margine". Insa si mai interesant a fost sa vad lacul de acumulare. Dar nu intinderea aceea nesfarsita de apa mi-a starnit mie dorinta de a va povesti aici despre barajul Paltinu, ci intinderea aceea nesfarsita de gunoaie care pluteau la malul lacului. Si, pentru cei care nu stiu, va informez ca din acest lac se alimenteaza orasul Ploiesti cu apa potabila. Acum se intelege de ce apa noastra de la robinet miroase si are un gust iritant de clor.
Concluzii: 1. e absolut necesar sa trecem la apa imbuteliata 2. daca am arunca cat mai putine gunoaie in natura ar fi ideal, doar pentru asta s-au inventat cosurile de gunoi, nu? 3. desi e bine cunoscut faptul ca sunt gunoaie peste tot, nu e nimeni platit sa le si stranga 4. pana la urma romanul face tot ce stie el: gratar in locuri neamenajate si gunoiul aruncat in padure (ca doar serveste ca ingrasamant natural, nu?)
Pacat de tara asta frumoasa!
Some friends and I were thinking to get out on a walk in our county, so we thought we should go to Paltinu to see how are things there. And no, we were not out on a barbecue, the new national custom of Romanians, only on a trip.
It’s a beautiful area, pity that one can’t walk on the damn. What was there to see: closed gates with a big sign “no trespassing” on. So I forgot about it and I contented in watching the scenery “from aside”. But even more interesting was to see the barrier lake. However, not the endless water spread roused in me the wish to tell you about the Paltinu dam, but the endless garbage spread floating at the shore. And, for those that don’t know, I’m telling you that this lake is supplying Ploiesti city with drinkable water. Now we can understand why our running water smells and tastes irritating of chlorine.
Conclusions: 1. it’s imperative that we start drinking only bottled water 2. ideal would be for us to drop less garbage in the nature, they invented the garbage cans for this, no? 3. although it is well known that there is garbage everywhere around, there is no one paid to gather it 4. in the end the Romanian does what he knows best: barbecue in unfit places and throwing garbage in the woods (because it’s natural fertilizer, isn’t it?).
Pity of this beautiful country!
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