marți, 12 mai 2009

Vederi din rai / Postcards from heaven

Am gasit un loc deosebit, care m-a lasat cu gura deschisa: Campina, La fantana cu ciresi. Peisajul e cu totul special, mai ales acum ca a venit vara iar natura s-a "inverzit" de tot. Cand sunt trista ma gandesc la acest loc si parca imi mai revine cheful de viata. Ce mici suntem noi si ce mare e lumea asta!


I found this special place that left me with my mouth open: Campina, At the spring with cherry trees. The scenery is overwhelming, especially now because summer is here and nature got so green. When I am sad I think of this place and I feel a burst of life coming back to me. How little we are and how big this world really is!

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