Recent mi s-a spus, de catre un baiat, logic, ca nu ar trebui sa ma atasez emotional de el. Trag concluzia ca el nu prea cunoaste psihicul feminin, pentru ca daca l-ar fi cunoscut ar fi stiut ca unei femei ii este aproape imposibil sa nu se ataseze de oamenii si lucrurile din viata ei. Tot ceea ce face o femeie este insotit de adanci sentimente si dorinte, ceea ce duce la atasamentul emotional. Nevoia noastra de afectivitate ne face sa oferim la randul nostru si de aceea ne atasam de tot ce avem: de oameni, de obiecte, de job. O femeie iti va spune: "nu pot sa renunt la obiectul acela, il pastrez pentru ca are valoare sentimentala". Si asta inseamna ca amintirile legate de acel obiect sunt mai importante decat valoarea lui financiara. Asadar, iubire sau nu, ura sau nu, pentru o femeie intotdeauna este vorba de emotii.
"Femeia are nevoie de tandrete, pentru aceasta ea accepta apropierea unui barbat. Acest lucru demonstreaza ca nevoile femeii in pat sunt mai degraba afective decat sexuale". (Dr. Cristian Andrei)
Deci, nu ii cereti niciodata unei femei sa nu se implice emotional. E ca si cum i-ati cere sa inceteze din a mai fi femeie.
Recently I was told by a guy, of course, that I should not get emotionally attached to him. I’m concluding that he doesn’t know at all women psychic, because if he would have known it, he would have known also that to a woman it is almost impossible to not become attached to the people and things in her life. Everything a woman does it’s attended by deep feelings and desires, that lead to an emotional attachment. Our need for affection makes us give in return and we get attached to everything: people, objects, our job. A woman would tell you: “I can’t give that up; I’m keeping it because it has emotional value”. And it means that the memories connected to that object are more important than its financial value. So, love or not, hate or not, for a woman everything is about emotions.
“The woman needs tenderness, and because of it she accepts the nearness of a man. This proves that a woman’s needs in bed are rather emotional than sexual”. (Dr. Cristian Andrei)
So, never ask a woman to not get emotionally involved. It’s like u were asking her to stop being a woman.
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