Cum de ce? Pentru ca asta imi mai lipsea. Este exact ce aveam nevoie. Acum pot sa ma dau si eu mare ca am blog, sunt cineva, am intrat in randul lumii, am iesit din anonimat. Ma sterg usor de praf, imi aranjez tinuta, ma trag in poza si postez aici ce am eu de spus. Adica mai nimic, chestii neinteresante de prin viata mea, neinteresante pentru voi, dar importante pentru mine. Asadar, nu-mi mai ramane decat sa postez cand am timp sau imi aduc aminte cate ceva, sa va povestesc ce mi s-a mai intamplat si apoi poate putem comenta impreuna.
Sunt cineva. Am blog... deci exist.
How come why? Because it’s what I was missing. It's exactly what I needed. Now I can brag about my blog, I'm somebody, I'm like everybody else, and I’m out of obscurity. I'm whipping the dust away, straitening my clothes, taking my picture and posting here what I have to say. That is nothing, uninteresting stuff from my life, uninteresting for you, but important for me. So, there's nothing left for me then to post when I have the time or when I remember something worth telling you about what else happened to me and then, maybe we can comment together.
I am someone. I have a blog... so I exist.
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